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A microchip is a tiny electronic device used to identify and store information about animals. It can be inserted into an animal’s body, either beneath the skin or in the ear, using a needle-and-syringe method that does not cause undue stress or discomfort for your pet. The chip consists of an integrated circuit that is about the size of a grain of rice and contains a unique identification number.  
Main Benefits 

The microchip’s main benefit is that it helps to ensure the safety and security of your pet if they ever get lost or stolen. The chip can be scanned by any animal shelter, veterinary office, or law enforcement agency with a handheld scanner. If your pet ever becomes lost, the chip’s unique ID number can be used to locate you and return them safely.  

Some microchips are also equipped with GPS tracking capabilities, allowing you to remotely monitor your pet’s whereabouts if they go astray. This technology is particularly helpful for cats, since they are known to roam longer distances than dogs.  

At this time, microchipping is not mandatory for all pets but it is strongly recommended. It’s an inexpensive and non-invasive way to ensure your pet remains safe and secure at all times. Plus, the chip will last a lifetime, so you won’t have to worry about replacing it as your pet ages. 

Easy To Get  

It’s easy to get a microchip for your pet – simply contact your local veterinary office and they can assist you in the process. Once implanted, the chip is immediately registered with a national database that stores all of the necessary information about your pet, such as their name, species, age, and contact information for their owner(s).  

By taking advantage of this technology, you can ensure that your pet is safe and secure, regardless of their location. Microchipping is an invaluable tool for pet owners and should be strongly considered for any furry family member.